Natural wood fashion brand "VEGATWOOD"

A Fashion Brand Blending Japanese Tradition, Craftsmanship, and the Beauty of Natural Wood
VEGATWOOD offers a diverse lineup of bags and accessories designed to highlight the unique appeal of natural wood. Our signature material, Ki-Ori-Tennâge, is a fusion of , a flexible natural wood veneer, and Kyoto Nishijin textile, a traditional Japanese craft.
Experience the harmony of these exquisite materials in our exclusive collection.
Sold Out – Thank You for Your Support
Thanks to the support of many customers, VEGATWOOD has received warm appreciation over the years. Our products have been featured in numerous fashion magazines and were honored to be selected as official gifts for world leaders at the APEC JAPAN 2010 Summit.
We are truly grateful for the encouragement and enthusiasm we have received, which has inspired us to continue creating products that celebrate the beauty of natural wood. Due to overwhelming demand, all our products have now sold out, and we are unable to accept new orders at this time. We sincerely thank you for your continued support.
Some of our products may still be available for viewing at exhibitions and special events. We hope that VEGATWOOD will continue to be a brand that stays in your hearts and memories.